

Seymour Duncan SH-PG1B Pearly Gates Humbucker Pickup – Bridge

The Pearly Gates bridge captures all the mojo of the original bridge pickup from Billy Gibbons 1959 Les Paul. Seymour discovered the pickup had slightly more output than most P.A.F.s, which helped to give it the extra drive that makes this pickup so special. The Alnico 2 bar magnet keeps the high end sounding airy but focused, and the midrange emphasis gives it a unique Texas sizzle. Pinch harmonics really sing with this pickup too.



  • DCR: 8.1
  • Magnet: Alnico 2
  • Cable: 4C Shielded


Model: 11102-49-B



Seymour Duncan

American company Seymour Duncan is well-known for its bass and guitar pickups, as well as its effects pedals. They are a true powerhouse in the guitar industry, and Seymour Duncan himself serves as their CEO. Founded in 1976, it didn't take long for these to be combined with the Floyd Rose trem system and found in Kramer guitars. From there, these pickups spread quickly to instruments made by Fender, Gibson, Yamaha, CHarvel, ESP, Ibanez, Jackson, Schecter, and a plethora of other manufacturers.