Original price was: RM5,050.00.Current price is: RM4,545.00.

Band & Orchestra

Jupiter JAS500A 500 Series Alto Saxophone With ABS Case

An easy choice for any beginner saxophonist. The smooth, balanced sound and simplicity of the JAS500A means that new players will be able to achieve clean notes without strenuous effort, and the well-placed keys and ergonomic design of the saxophone ensures for a comfortable playing experience for students of all ages. This model was designed to enhance the learning experience being remarkably free-blowing by not overly taxing players to produce a clean notes. Key design and positioning make for an ergonic and comfortable play. Features such as high F# key, tone boosters and stainless steel springs add to the instruments playability and overall positive experience. As a whole package the JAS500 provides tremendous value which is why this model is highly recommended by teachers, repairers and professionals for new players.


Model: JAS500A