Original price was: RM453.00.Current price is: RM407.70.


Free The Tone SLK-S-10 Solderless Cable Special Kit, Nickel

There are many requirements in pedalboard making: “space-saving”, “sound quality”, “trouble management”, “antinoise measures”, etc. Satisfying all of them is not easy and requires various know-how and technique. But by simply using the proper cable, you may be able to satisfy nearly all of these requirements. The FREE THE TONE “Solderless Cable” can do things existing cables could not. The FREE THE TONE “Solderless Cable”, a fusion of the pedalboard specialist’s know-how and latest ideas, will change your pedalboard dramatically.


Model: SLK-S-10 (NICKEL)

  • Cable: CU-416 3m (10ft)
  • Plug: SL-8S (Nickel)